Analog output module receives its digital input through an RS-485 interface from the host computer. The format of the data is either engineering units, twos complement hexadecimal format or percentage of full-scale range (FSR),depending on the module ?s configuration. It then uses its microprocessor-controlled D/A converter to convert the digital data into output signals. You get a true readback of the analog output signal from the unit ?s ADC, which independently monitors the output. You can specify slew rates and start up currents through the configuration software. The Analog Output Module can supply single-channel analog output in a range of voltages or currents. They protect your equipment from ground loops and power surges by providing opto-isolation of the D/A output. The transformer based isolation is up to 3000 VDC.
Weight | 21 kg |
Dimensions | 150 × 85 × 51 cm |
Datasheet | |
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